Why a Career in Sustainability for the Built Environment?

Did you know that buildings account for over 20% of emissions in Singapore?

Amid a nationwide push for sustainability, ambitious targets to green the built environment sector have been set under the latest edition of the Singapore Green Building Masterplan (SGBMP). The goal is to green 80 per cent of buildings by gross floor area (GFA) by 2030, promote low energy standards and achieve 80% energy efficiency in best-in-class green buildings.

Against this backdrop, the demand for professionals with skills in sustainability to support organisations in their green transformation is on the rise. The career prospects span across roles which require sustainability knowledge and skills for example HR, IT, Project Managers etc.


SCTP Job of Manager (JOMAN) for Sustainability in Built Environment

What is Sustainability in the Built Environment?

Sustainability in the built environment involves designing and managing buildings and infrastructure to minimise their environmental impact while creating healthy, livable, and resilient communities.

This is achieved through efficient use of resources, reducing waste and emissions, promoting renewable energy, and enhancing the well-being of occupants.

All job roles which require sustainability knowledge and skills. E.g: HR, IT, Project Managers etc

Potential Salary Range: $4,000 – $8,000
Based off median salary on job portals

Pivot to another industry

Fees and Funding

Full Fees (before GST): $10,510.00

GST payable for all funding-eligible applicants1: $283.77

GST payable for all funding-eligible applicants1: $945.90

Applicants/ EligibilitySubsidy ApplicableFees Payable
(After GST)

Singapore Citizens and Singapore Permanent Residents < 40 years oldUp to 70%$3,436.77
Singapore Citizens ≥ 40 years oldUp to 90%$1,334.77
Singapore Citizens who qualify for Additional Funding Support (AFS)2Up to 95%$809.27
OthersFull fees payable$11,455.90

1 As per SSG’s policy, the GST payable is calculated based on 9% of the nett fee payable after baseline funding subsidy of 70%.

2 Individuals must be Singapore Citizens and meet one of the following criteria:

  • Long-term unemployed individuals (6 months or more); or
  • Individuals in need of financial assistance (ComCare, Short-to-Medium Term Assistance (SMTA) recipients or Workfare Income Supplement (WIS) recipients); or
  • Persons with Disabilities

Singaporeans aged 21 years and above may use SkillsFuture Credit (opening and top-up) and Additional SkillsFuture Credit (Mid-Career Support) to offset the out-of-pocket course fees for SCTP.

From 1 May 2024, a SkillsFuture Credit top-up of $4,000 will provide greater support for mid-career Singaporeans aged 40 years and above to further offset out-of-pocket course fees for the SCTP. Visit https://www.skillsfuture.gov.sg/level-up-programme for more details.

Module Overview

Course ModulesCourse Duration
Systems Thinking12 Hours
Navigating Transitions at Work12 Hours
Role and Purpose of the Sustainability Manager12 Hours
Stakeholder Engagement and Management L4 (Classroom and Asynchronous E-learning)20 Hours
Sustainability Frameworks, Assessment and Enterprise Certifications12 Hours
Sustainable Business Model Innovation12 Hours
Digital Technologies for Sustainability18 Hours
Circular Economy and Waste Management12 Hours


Pre Requisite
Minimum a diploma holder
Managerial experience
Interest to join the built environment industry